Employee theft will price a retail business thousands of bucks a week. It is one of those business possession or management experiences that is all too often ignored till it has happened to you.
Employee theft is real, take it from someone who has experienced it firsthand. In my case, over fifteen years as a retail business owner, I have experienced 3 occasions of great employee theft costing $a pair of,000, $20,000 and $twelve,000 respectively.
The tragedy is that retailers sometimes have at their disposal tools that, if used properly, cut back the opportunity for theft and thereby protect the money inside the business.
Retail store managers and owners want to require the danger of theft seriously rather than thinking that it might never happen to them. This suggests considering that everybody operating in your retail business is a potential thief. Powerful as this can be, it is the only manner to operate.
At every chance, build it clear that you have got a zero tolerance approach to theft. This will separate you from your employees, therefore be it. It’s essential that you set your want to cut theft previous friendship with an employee. Your business is at risk once all.
Everything in your business with price must be treated with respect. Each day. And you, as the owner or manager, need to demonstrate leadership on the mission to stay theft at a minimum.
Cash. Be obsessive concerning balancing every day. Ensure that your processes are water tight. Eliminate opportunities in your processes for fraud. Consider partaking a 3rd party not connected with the business to audit your processes. Review video footage regularly. Have yourself and your manager expertly trained in detecting employee theft at the cash register. Consider bringing in an investigator to assess the team of team members. Better of all, use the facilities in your software.
Track stock. Manipulating stock is one approach workers steal. By obsessively tracking stock available you are a lot of possible to discover employee theft sooner. Use your Purpose of Sale software to track all stock in and out, do spot stock takes and reorder stock. Making your POS software the heart of your stock management makes it tougher for an employee to manipulate stock in stealing from you.
Data. Accurate information is an excellent means to detect and resolve an employee theft problem. Data in your Point of Sale software will provide the proof which you denied would exist. Be open to what the info proves. Take time to learn regarding the theft tracking and management tools in your Point of Sale software. Be committed to using these.
Take a zero tolerance approach here. Staff stealing from you need to control information in some way. As an example, if their sales per hour worked are far not up to others then they might simple not be using the pc system. However, you would have detected off behaviour from your inventory system when reordering stock.
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As Tom Peters, the American writer who has written extensively on business management practices says, “Do what you do best and outsource the rest!”. There is no harm in outsourcing. In fact, outsourcing is not a novice idea and there are lots of businesses that outsource more than one project. Outsourcing content projects is a common practice among many businesses. Most of them lack the core expertise that is required to handle content projects and this is why they prefer to get it done by experts. On the other hand, there are businesses that can’t handle software projects skillfully, and therefore, consider outsourcing software development to be a safer option.
How does outsourcing benefit your business?
While outsourcing is undeniably beneficial for your business, you need to know the exact benefits. Does it help you focus on the core activities or manage the risks better? Handing over the responsibility of some of the most financially rewarding projects to a third party is indeed a smart move for your business. But before you make that move, let’s take a look at the exact benefits of outsourcing.
Lets you focus on the core aspects There are several functions, which are not related to the core aspect of your business. The moment you start expanding your business, the workload of the non-core functions continue to increase. As a result of this, the core activities get neglected and the quality deteriorates. In a situation like this, outsourcing seems to be an easy solution. Since you transfer the responsibility of some of the projects to a third party company or an individual, your key resources can focus on the primary business tasks.
Allows access to skilled expertise One of the main reasons why businesses prefer to outsource some tasks is that they get access to skilled expertise. It may not always be possible for a business to hire employees for a particular skill set. Outsourcing seems to be the most feasible solution in a scenario like this. This allows you to get the job done by professionals, who are expert at handling it. This also saves you the hassles of hiring full time employees and training them for specific projects.
Enables better risk management The moment you outsource a project, you share the risks associated with the project with your outsourcing partner and thus, reduce the burden. By outsourcing a task to a company that is competent enough to handle that, you can rest assured of the quality of the task.
Lets you run your business 24X7 By outsourcing projects to a country like India that is in a different time zone, you can make use of all 24 hours. By the time your working hours are over, the Indian company with which you are working can take over and continue with the work. They can work on several critical tasks and make considerable progress by the time you get back to work the next day. This way, you can abide by the follow-the-sun working model. This also helps you focus on time and material development.
These are some of the ways in which outsourcing helps your business.
Businesses want to be ranked #1 in the eyes of their customers; they want their businesses to be talked about. However, there are many businesses in the same industry, targeting similar markets, fighting for the same potential clients’ attention. The same is true for politicians: they compete with each other for the same voters.
If you want your customers to select you instead of somebody else, you need to be different. It is not enough just to be different, but also different in a way your customers will appreciate. For instance, if you are the only one in your industry packaging the items in a blue case … this will make you different; but maybe is something your clients don’t care much. On the other hand, if you are the only one in your industry offering free shipping, chances are that you will be at the top if the rest of your service also matches your clients’ expectations. You have to find what makes your business unique (usually called “unique selling proposition” in marketing terms) and tell everybody.
The question now is how to articulate your “unique selling proposition” in a way that your clients and potential clients will not only understand, but effortlessly remember. The solution is: use a slogan. A slogan is a short sentence that explains what makes you unique. Good slogans are easy to be remembered, they stick on people minds. A slogan makes it easier for your business to be remembered and talked about. It can help setting your business in a privileged position in a competitive industry.
Finding the right slogan is both a difficult and easy process. While it is difficult to come up with good slogans, it is easy to recognize good ones. You, as business owner, can easily recognize if a slogan is appropriate for your business. No one else knows more than you about your business. The question is who can come up with the slogans? You could involve your employees for instance. After all, they know the message that you want to transmit … In fact, they know it so well that they most probably suffer from the “Curse of Knowledge” syndrome. The curse of knowledge means that they know so much about your business’ unique selling proposition that for them, an also for you, it is difficult to realize what it feels like not to know it. Any slogan crafted under the curse of knowledge syndrome effect will not take into account that potential clients do not know yet about what makes you unique.
Therefore, the slogan development process must include outsiders. You need sloganeers that are not affected by the “curse of knowledge”. They can provide you with their slogan suggestions and you can recognize what works for your business. It works best when the process follows an iterative refinement: sloganeers suggest slogans first, then you tell them what works for your business and what does not and sloganeers provide suggestions again. This way, your preferences are taken into account in successive slogan suggestions. It is hard to tell how many slogans suggestions you will need. Usually, business owners get the right slogan after 20 – 30 slogan suggestions, but more may be needed.
You have done already the hard work of building your business and differentiate from your competitors. Now, all you need to do is to communicate in an effective way what is especial about you, what makes your business unique. Find some outsider sloganeers and get a slogan for your business; it is a small investment with a huge return.
Enterpriselead.com offers the most advanced dealer lead management technology with an easy to follow CRM software which will boost sales and improve your business management instantly. Our cloud based lead management software allows for the management and usage of internet leads your company are purchasing to be orderly and profitable. Our lead management software allows salespeople to manage their client’s quick, orderly and efficiently.
Enterprise Lead dealer lead management offers filtering processes enabling the sales team to excel with the customers and provide better service and inevitably produce more car sales. The customized filters make it easy and hassle-free for sales representatives to examine and analyze the leads that are relevant to their product and inventory. Our lead management technology and easy to use CRM software makes it ideal to manage leads by quality, sale potential plus much more in depth analysis. All Enterprise Lead CRM’s are client customized.
Enterpriselead.com is one of the top rated dealer lead management systems globally. We provide the most user friendly interface, customized sales reports, click to call feature allowing instant connect between the consumer and the client, automatic verification tool and built in marketing tools enabling in-house remarketing for the client’s database and allows for lead delivery of every method, to name a few.
Enterprise Lead Management Software is the top choice for car dealers of all sizes to bring a uniform, efficient and advanced dealer management system to their dealership to increase sales, promote their product and take their business to the next level. Contact us now for a free demo!
About Author:
This article is written by Maria Liberati on behalf of Enterpriselead. The article is providing an over view on dealer lead management, lead trading system, lead management software and many more.
Winter 2011/2012 employment!
Summer 2011 has only started to bring tourists to resorts, hotels, country clubs, restaurants. Most summer j1 visa students have just arrived, settled in and started working. But slightly paraphrasing the saying: “Make provision for a Snowy day but in Summer time!”.
We are beginning to place winter 2011/2012 j1 students from Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Colombia, South Africa. Considering visa denial rates, being lowest when employment is arranged early, we recommend to make an estimation of staff you’ll need for winter season and post your j1 jobs. We’ll be happy to send you great profiles of students participating in Winter “Work and Travel” program!
It is so great and easy to be prepared for upcoming season with Wollt if your business is f&b, hospitality or casino industry related. Hotels, motels, b&b’s, restaurants, fast-food restaurants, bars, casinos use our free staffing service to hire great English speaking students for a wide range of positions. Motivated, hardworking, educated, energetic and sociable young people from around the world will be a perfect match if you are looking to fill a housekeeping or front desk clerk position, host or waitress. These young students will bring a diversity to your company and probably open new perspectives with their international experience and knowledge.Your business can benefit from hiring international exchange students for different types of jobs. This is possible due to special exchange program, developed by US Department of State, called “Work and Travel”. Specially designed for students to spend their summer holidays in USA (summer is different by world regions, so the program is year-round), it provides them with an opportunity to work in USA for 3.5-4 months and enables US businesses to benefit from hiring international students. Students are young motivated workers, eager to discover new culture, traditions, way of life and make some money to pay their studies back home.
Perfect entry-level positions to cover with foreign students
Below is the list of entry-level f&b and hospitality positions that are most often covered by international students. Further we provide a short list of your benefits, when you hire international students with J1 visa. Jobs include, but are not limited to:
Laundry staff
Breakfast hosts
Servers, waiters / waitresses
Hosts / hostess
Bussers / bus boys, girls
Kitchen help
Prep cooksFront desk clerks
Room attendants
Parking lot attendants
Game operators
J1 visa foreign workers are the best seasonal staffing solution for ski resorts, country clubs operating in winter time and all kind of hotels, restaurants, other hospitality businesses with pick time in winter months. If you hire now, students will arrive in the end of November-early December and will work till the end of February-end of March. Dates are flexible and depend on your specific needs. Please contact us and post your winter j1 jobs now!