An Overview Of The Pakistan Textile Industry

The textile industry is one of the most important sectors of Pakistan. It contributes significantly to the country’s GDP, exports as well as employment. It is, in fact, the backbone of the Pakistani economy.

-Established Capacity

The textile industry of Pakistan has a total established spinning capacity of 1550 million kilograms of yarn, weaving capacity of 4368 million square meters of fabric and finishing capacity of 4000 million square meters. The textile industry has a production capacity of 670 million units of garments, 400 million units of knitwear and 53 million kilograms of towels. The textile industry has a total of 1221 units engaged in ginning and 442 units engaged in spinning. There are around 124 large units that undertake weaving and 425 small units. There are around 20600 power looms in operation in the textile industry. The textile industry also houses around 10 large finishing units and 625 small units. Pakistan’s textile industry has about 50 large and 2500 small garment manufacturing units. Moreover, it also houses around 600 knitwear-producing units and 400 towel-producing units.

-Contribution to Exports

According to recent figures, the Pakistan textile industry contributes more than 60% to the country’s total exports, which amounts to around 5.2 billion US dollars. The textile industry contributes around 46% to the total output produced in the country. In Asia, Pakistan is the 8th largest exporter of textile products.

-Contribution to GDP and Employment

The contribution of the textile industry to the total GDP is 8.5%. It provides employment to 38% of the work force in the country, which amounts to a figure of 15 million. However, the proportion of skilled labor is very less as compared to that of unskilled labor.

-Organizations in the Textile Industry

All Pakistan Textile Mills Association is the chief organization that determines the rules and regulations in the Pakistan textile industry.

-Opportunities Available

According to world industrial market research, the world demand for textiles is rising at around 2.5%, due to which there is a greater opportunity for rise in exports from Pakistan.

-An Introduction to Pakistan

Pakistan extends along either side of the historic Indus River, following its course from the mountain valleys of the Himalayas down to the Arabian Sea. Bordering on India, China, Afghanistan and Iran, it is strategically located astride the ancient trade routes between Asia and Europe. Pakistan’s 796,095 square kilometers of territory include a wide variety of landscapes, from arid deserts to lush, green valleys to stark mountain peaks.

-Organizations in the Textile Industry

All Pakistan Textile Mills Association is the chief organization that determines the rules and regulations in the Pakistan textile industry.

-Opportunities Available

According to world industrial market research, the world demand for textiles is rising at around 2.5%, due to which there is a greater opportunity for rise in exports from Pakistan.

-An Introduction to Pakistan

Pakistan extends along either side of the historic Indus River, following its course from the mountain valleys of the Himalayas down to the Arabian Sea. Bordering on India, China, Afghanistan and Iran, it is strategically located astride the ancient trade routes between Asia and Europe. Pakistan’s 796,095 square kilometers of territory include a wide variety of landscapes, from arid deserts to lush, green valleys to stark mountain peaks.

Replica Industry Review

The replica industry has been around for a long time. Depending on if you have the know-how, this industry can actually be a very profitable one. It is illegal to sell replicas as if they are the real brands in most developed countries. However, if you are honest about what you are selling, and do not copy the brand name exactly, the replica industry is perfectly legal and legitimate. It is also one of the few industries that is recession-proof. The replica watch industry actually recorded an increase in profit during the recession, since most people could no longer afford designer accessories, yet still wanted to maintain their lifestyle.

Some replicas are very poorly made. If you decide to invest in replicas that make it painfully obvious that they are knock-offs, then you probably will not make a lot of money. Replicas need to be made so that they are practically identical to the real thing. Well-made replicas make it impossible to tell the difference between a real thing and a knock-off unless you examine the actual materials of the item up close. If your replicas are almost identical to the real thing, then you could make good money from investing in the replica industry.

However, it is illegal to use a companys trademarked brand name. It is also illegal to use a watchs design. Both these traits are copyrighted to the watchs original manufacturer. It is estimated that the replica industry causes a one to three billion dollar loss per year to the real manufacturers. The majority of replica items are made in China. Some are made with some precious metals and materials (like gold and leather) and these are known as “high-end replica.” Others are not made with any precious materials and are known as “low-end replica.” Sometimes the replica are cheaper than the brand name by a very significant amount, and sometimes replica are only cheaper than the brand name by a little bit. The latter is the one that is usually marketed (falsely) as the real deal.

Those who are successful in the replica industry must be very fashion-savvy and must have a good understanding of the fashion-industrys constantly evolving trends. The whole point of replicas is so that the individual can be a part of the most recent fashion styles. No one wants a replica of last seasons fashions, or last years “it” item. They also need access to the real products in order to be able to fashion something very similar to it. It is hard to make a copy of a product simply by looking at its pictures. High-end replica makers usually have the brand name product and mimic it very carefully and thoroughly.

The replica industry is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. It is illegal in some countries, but completely legitimate in others. Most people will avoid breaking their local laws by purchasing their replica items online. Since there are no copyright laws in other countries, purchasing from them is technically legal.

Is MLB Hurting Andropause Sufferers and Male Hormone Industry

On February 2, 2009, Alex Rodriguez admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs while playing for the Texas Rangers from 2001-2003. According to a Sports Illustrated published on February 9, 2009, Rodriguez tested positive for Primobolan and testosterone–two anabolic steroids in 2003.

Under the Major Baseball Leagues drug policy, the use of steroids without a valid prescription is prohibited. In the United States, primoblan, also known as methenolone, is illegal. Testosterone, a male sex hormone, can be taken legally with an appropriate medical prescription. In recent years it has been speculated that baseball players have taken testosterone illegally–without a prescription–because testosterone can enhance muscle development, strength and endurance.

In the medical field, testosterone is used to treat men with medical symptoms such as Klinefelters syndrome, Hemochromatosis and Prader-Willi syndrome. Testosterone treatment can also have significant beneficial effects on men over the age of 35 with andropause, also known as male menopause.

What is Andropause?
Andropause, or male menopause, is a medical condition caused by a drop in testosterone levels. Approximately 4-5 million men in the U.S experience testosterone deficiency. Low testosterone levels can also cause osteoporosis and cardiovascular problems, such as atherosclerosis.

The Symptoms Associated with Andropause Are:
– Irritability, depression and mood swings
– Hot flashes
– Erectile dysfunction
– Decreased sex drive
– Osteoporosis
– Increased body fat around the middle
– Loss of muscle size and strength

It is highly recommended that men have their testosterone levels checked by their physician during their annual check-up. It is a simple test, but many physicians will not check your testosterone levels unless you ask. The “normal” range of testosterone in men is between 240 and 1,000 nanograms per deciliter. A major cause of men going untreated is doctors telling men they are fine “it is your imagination” is they fall within that range. The problem “normal range” is determined by the men who are tested not by symptoms men are experiencing. Men in the lower to mid-range will have moderate to serious symptoms. To feel good men need to be at the upper end of the range

4 out of 5 men over the age of 40 have low testosterone levels and 99% of men over the age of 50 experience the symptoms of andropause, but only 5% of men with andropause symptoms seek treatment. There are many choices for the supplementation of testosterone in males, which include topical gels, creams, skin patches, oral capsules and injections. Testosterone replacement therapy is highly effective at relieving andropausal symptoms within 3-6 weeks.

Many sports enthusiasts think its a shame that athletes have used performance-enhancing drugs to give them a competitive advantage. However, hormones like human growth hormone and testosterone do not deserve a bad reputation–testosterone and Growth Hormone can be safe and beneficial if used properly and if treated by licensed physicians via individualized treatment plans in a safe, controlled environment.

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Right for You?
Before hormone replacement therapy is prescribed, men have a physical exam and a PSA (protein-specific antigen) blood test. A series of blood tests are ordered to measure testosterone levels and, if levels are low, a physician discusses the various treatment options. Many insurance companies cover the costs of andropause treatment, and male menopause treatment is often able to be purchased with a tax advantaged flexible savings account.

Male hormone replacement therapy and testosterone replacement are effective low testosterone treatment options for men with andropause. If you have any symptoms associated with andropause, such as low energy, irritability, hot flashes, abdominal weight gain, loss of muscle strength, loss of sex drive and the inability to maintain an erection, talk to your doctor. The sooner you speak with a physician and get checked for low testosterone levels, the sooner you can begin feeling like yourself again.

Indian Wine Industry Forecast to 2012

India has emerged as one of the fastest growing markets for wine on the global map. Despite the country’s vast population of over 1.1 Billion, the consumption of wine remains extremely low. The per capita consumption of wine in the country was estimated at around 9 Milliliters in 2008, indicating huge potential for growth in the coming years.

Various factors such as favorable government policies, increasing disposable income, amplified wine marketing and influence of western culture are helping to drive India’s wine consumption. According to our latest research report, -Indian Wine Industry Forecast to 2012-, wine consumption in India is expected to grow by 25-30% annually between 2009 and 2012.

We have found that various policies by the state level governments are encouraging domestic wine producers to set up their own wineries in the country, giving a boost to the domestic industry. Efforts by the Maharashtra and Karnataka governments remain far-fetched in this regard. However, such measures have raised concerns to WTO which states that India is adopting protectionist policies for its domestic wine industry meanwhile curbing growth of imports.

While local players are including affordable imported wines in their portfolios to attract new consumers, foreign firms are trying hard to expand in the market owing to high rate of tax levied. Our research indicates that the premium wine segment in the country is dominated by imported wines. This is because domestic wines are still unable to demand a high price, largely because of low brand awareness and lack of quality taste. Meanwhile, total consumption is dominated by domestically-produced cheap wine.

-Indian Wine Industry Forecast to 2012- provides extensive research and rational analysis on the wine market in India. Our research gives deep insight into India’s wine consumption in terms of domestically-produced and imported wines, price structure, sales by location, type of wine consumed and a possible regional segmentation. Our research also highlights the market trends and developments that are expected to play key role in the growth of Indian wine market over the forecast period. Besides this, the report provides thorough analysis on the wine production, wine exports and wine imports of the country.

For FREE SAMPLE of this report visit:


About RNCOS:

RNCOS, incorporated in the year 2002, is an industry research firm. We are a team of industry experts who analyze data collected from credible sources. We provide industry insights and analysis that helps corporations to take timely and accurate business decision in today’s globally competitive environment.

How To Choose Valuable Hospitality Industry Kpi

The hospitality industry continues to grow and thus there is undeniable fierce competition going on here. Establishing a business in this industry is definitely hard especially for a beginner. However, if you have the determination, dedicated employees and the right decisions, you will certainly succeed. Hospitality or service industry consists of firms that offer lodging, event planning and transportation as well as businesses like restaurants, theme parks and cruise lines. There are several activities that you have to mind here and you also have to make sure that you have the right staff that will perform different jobs such as facility maintenance, housekeeping, bartending, cooking and other direct operations. In this case, most will think that it is difficult to monitor all the tasks at the same time. However, this is not true if you have reliable hospitality industry KPI.

The hospitality industry KPI or the key performance indicators allow checking of day to day activities in your company which might seem impossible to do. With the right set of indicators, you will be able to keep track of supply and demand, the promotional needs of the company, recruitment activities and even the security requirements of your business. Depending on your organization, your hospitality or tourism industry indicators will differ according to the type of customers, the services you offer, the internal processes of the enterprise, the demands of your customers and the manufactured goods of your business. Thus, various indicators can be selected as long as they can be monitored properly.

For instance, if you are searching for KPIs in hotel management, you should take a look at the aspects that concern the success of your business the most. These include the profitability of your company, the needs of the staff and their performance and the efficiency of your processes. It is important that the hospitality industry KPI that you have chosen is right for your company and that you report on them regularly. Since you are in the service or hospitality industry, you will most likely consider measuring the size of your system. Taking the given example above, if you are operating a hotel, you will be able to monitor the system size by obtaining the number of rooms or hotels under your brand.

One of the main problems that managers face when they are choosing the hospitality industry KPI is that they find it hard to keep things at a minimum. Limiting the number of indicators can be quite a dilemma especially because there is a sea of choices for the hospitality industry KPI. Nevertheless, the trick here is to make sure that you keep yourself on a straight path. If you are managing a hotel, you should stick with just the lodging business. If you are operating a restaurant, monitor only using the tourism industry indicators that are about food service.

The good thing about the hospitality industry KPI is that it can check on the future of your company. It is not restricted to the now phase of your business. For example, you can keep track of the development pipeline of your hotel, which will measure the numbers of rooms that your hotel might have in the future.