The Reasons of Initiating Reform And Innovation

In 2008 year the financial storm changed the situation of
international sports trademark in the Chinese mainland bazaar. It was
said by the Bao Cheng Group Annual Report 2009 that pattern that Nike,
Adidas was prevailing in mainly market, which was shaped in Chinese
sports requisite field for many years, was altering and the continent’s
trademark was increasing. In this context, Nike, Adidas must seek more
fine and deep sales in domestic market channels. At this time, Bao Cheng
group took advantage of an opportunity to create a new brand in
domestic sales market-Bao Yuan shoemaker. In 2009, Cai Qi ,who is the
managing director of Bao Cheng International Group and the president of
Yu Yuan Industrial Group, announced the Bao Cheng group would take the
long-term strategy of diversified management to change a single foundry
pattern and they would start a company with the concept of Bao Yuan
shoemaker to sell their own products.

Cai Qiongwen told reporters that the products of
BaoYuan shoemaker included both famous sports brand such as Nike,
Reebok, Lining that manufactured by Bao Cheng Group and its own brand
name, such as movement life footwear brand FOOT SPORTS, fashion female
shoes brand RYEE, etc.

It is the true origin for Bao Cheng Group
to create its private trademark of native sale. The added value of the
products under its own brand name is much higher than OEM, and its gross
margin is higher than OEM many times.

However, the action that
Bao Cheng Group intends to create their own brand is just a big fear of
sporting goods field. The risk will be very high to develop their own
brands. If Bao Cheng evolves its private trademark, the primary problem
is that how to keep the fellowship with brand firms. The world famous
brand all put the whole confidential design to share with Bao Cheng
without reservation. If Bao Cheng creates its own brand name, the brand
will probably be the enemy of brand firms, and may be the number one
enemy, and thus brand relations of cooperation can not keep going.

Then how Bao Yuan shoemaker step over the business dangerous line between a trademark customers and foundry business?

on the industry professors, the Bao Yuan shoemaker and Sheng Dao
biggest distinctiveness is that Sheng Dao is a single-product stores,
and the Po shoemaker is the number of international brands and brand
integration multi-brand stores. So the agency and international brands
under its own brand name not only don’t conflict but also can be
complementary to each other.

Transnational trademark and private
trademark have different characters. There is no competition, instead
they meet a family of consumer one-stop needs through various product
lines combination and achieve win-win way. After a joint cooperation
with transnational trademarks such as Nike, Adidas, and doing a market
survey deeply, the first flagship store of the Bao Yuan shoemaker
started in Shanxing Town in Zhongshan City on the summer in 2010.

Types Of Car Glass Used For Auto Glass Installation In Windshield Replacement

If windshield repair is not feasible any longer, you will have no choice but to agree to windshield replacement. To make the most of your windshield replacement, though, you should know about the various types of car glass used in auto glass installation. These are dealer car glass, original equipment manufactured (OEM) distributor car glass and aftermarket car glass, with each one having its own pros and cons.

The most expensive kind of car glass is dealer glass which is made available from authorized car dealerships. This means your dealer glass will depend on the brand of your vehicle. Dealer glass is made by the manufacturer of your vehicles own car glass and bears the stamp of the brand. It is actually your vehicles original car glass. Those who never want to veer away from anything original and branded will choose nothing else but dealer glass.

Similar in quality to dealer glass but much less expensive is original equipment manufactured (OEM) distributor car glass. It may not be made by the original manufacturer of your vehicles car glass but its manufacturers are authorized to produce car glass according to the exact specifications of dealer glass. That means they have the same durability, size, thickness, color and shape as dealer glass. Manufacturers of OEM distributor car glass are highly respected in the automotive industry and their products are highly regarded as being of the highest quality, which is why they are trusted by vehicle manufacturers. The most well known manufacturers of OEM distributor car glass include Pilkington, Carlite, Pittsburg Plate Glass (PPG), Safeguard/Mopar, Ford, AP Tech, Asahi, Sekurit, Triplex, Scanex, Sicursiv, Guardian and Crinamex. If you decide on using original equipment manufactured (OEM) distributor car glass, make sure you stick with the reputable brands.

The previous statement is a warning of sorts. After all, there also are sources who claim to be OEM distributor car glass manufacturers but also produce substandard car glass alongside their OEM glass. Do not trust labels that say “from an OEM manufacturer” unless the car glass is specifically labelled as original equipment manufactured (OEM) distributor car glass.

The least expensive car glass is aftermarket car glass which is also referred to as original equipment equivalent (OEE) car glass. Its manufacturers are not legally authorized to make car glass according to the specifications copyrighted and licensed to vehicle brands. Aftermarket car glass, therefore, differs from dealer glass and OEM glass. It is also not covered by the same guarantees as dealer glass and OEM glass, and has been known to have a variety of problems including having a bad fit, leaks, visual distortions, poor solar performance and lack of protection against wind noise.

In comparing the three types of car glass, it is evident that original equipment manufactured car glass is the best option for consumers. You get all the benefits of dealer glass for much less dollars. In terms of quality, OEM glass exceeds even the standards of the US Department of Transportation. While the DOT calls for 80 percent windshield retention during frontal barrier crash tests, OEM glass provides a hundred percent.

When choosing OEM glass, also use OEM distributor car glass parts and adhesives for safety. In the case of mobile windshield replacement, for instance, low quality parts and adhesives are sometimes used. The prescribed drying time for the adhesive is also usually not observed, leaving the vehicle driver and passengers at risk with a windshield that is not properly fixed in place. Only professionally certified auto glass technicians will be knowledgeable enough on all standards that should be met in terms of products and techniques.

Whatever car glass you choose for auto glass installation in your windshield replacement, make sure all components and service providers pass the highest safety standards.