We all know that porn industry has grown rapidly throughout the years through many honest porn site reviews. With the passage of time the viewership for porn has increased considerably. The porn industry is not a new one; it has been in the market for years and owns a huge chunk of the market share.
In the year 2003, there were 1.3 million pornographic websites and about 260 million web pages. The total revenue from the porn industry in the same year was $57.0 billion worldwide. Out of this $12.0 billion was only of the US market. This was more than that of the combined revenues of all professional football, baseball and basketball franchises or the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC. This proves that the porn industry definitely one of the leading money spinners in the world. The counts of adult DVD rentals were around $1 billion in 2005. These stats are only of the US. This shows that United States is a major market for porn. At the same time hotel viewership for adult movies was around 55 percent.
This revenue doubled by 2006, the total revenue in this year was around $97 billion worldwide. Again US accounted for around $13.3 million of the revenue. Unique worldwide users visiting adult web sites monthly had also gone up to 72 million. 25% of total search engine requests are porn-related and 12% of total websites are pornographic. It has been found that 8% of total emails are porn-related. Apart from these, websites like epornreview provides reviews of adult websites started to emerge to give it users access to the best porn sites and helped them to view what they wanted to view. This further enhanced the users to help get access to the best porn sites available. Why the stats have always grown is because it has kept up with the latest trends and had served its users to what they had wanted to see unlike any other sector of the entertainment industry.
As it has been one of the major money spinners in the worldwide economy it has greatly contributed to the growing economy of the world. It has been expanding even further with the passing of time. Though many countries around the world are trying to do away with pornographic industry it is not easy to just abolish it because of its major market share. The porn industry is one of the top 5 industries in the world.