Why Main Street Should Wholesale Short Sales and ForeclosuresCopyright Karon Webster

Why “Main Street” Should Wholesale Short Sales and Foreclosures Copyright Karon Webster http://www.knowitssold.com

If you are a real estate investor, you are living in one of the best investment market in decades. The market is flooded with short sales and foreclosures. Even in today’s tight credit market, private funding for short sale real estate and reos is available. Now is the time to build your fortune. If you are not a real estate investor, now is the time for you to become one. Why, you ask? Here are several reasons.

1) We as a nation are in an unprecedented time of financial distress largely precipitated by unscrupulous lenders-the fallout of their irresponsible behavior has left hundreds of thousands of average people in various stages of foreclosure and pre-foreclosure.

2) The government has taken our tax dollars and bailed out the unscrupulous lenders, presumably to keep the economy from collapsing, while our home and personal economies continue to collapse at an alarming rate thanks largely to their actions and decisions. Estimates predict that the foreclosures will continue by the hundreds of thousands for the next two years, creating a glut of low priced, distressed homes on the market, and a lot of miserable, heart broken, and financially broken people.

3) We are living during what some economists are calling “The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History”. The present Economy has created the perfect storm for many newer real estate investors to make fortunes and establish both a quality income and a very respectable retirement fund.

4) There is no bail out forthcoming for the suffering homeowners and average people who are losing their jobs because of the poor economy.

5) The problem becomes, how can those who need it the most, the working poor, the newly unemployed, or about to be unemployed, the recently foreclosed, or distressed homeowners, get their share of “the greatest wealth transfer in history”?

6)The Donald Trumps’ and the Robert Kyosakis’ of this world strongly recommend real estate investment as the cornerstone of their students’ wealth building plans, so I feel comfortable in recommending real estate investment to the most economically vulnerable in our society. Okay, you’re asking, how do economically vulnerable people start investing in “real estate”, when they’re broke?

7) There are few things more profitable than buying distressed properties low (say 50 of the sales price plus a $300 flat fee (taken out of proceeds at the sale of the property). Proof of funds letters are provided for members as well. Newbies and experienced investors alike receive weekly training web telecasts, and have access to archived web training and top quality courses on short sales and foreclosure investing, lease options, owner financing, and back to back closings. Don’t worry if you’re not sure what all of that stuff is. The training is excellent.

This particular business opportunity can be started with little cash, and no credit, and worked part time just to supplement your income, or full time to build your fortune and your family’s future.

Come be a part of the “greatest transfer of wealth in history”, and get your share. Make no mistake, there is study and hard work involved, but you’ll be surprised how easy it is once you really get started. And wealth, while not the answer to all ills, is so much more fun than being broke. Let 2009 be the last year you ever worry about being laid off or losing your home. Take action now! Sign up for more information below.

Karon Webster is a work from home mother and caregiver: http://www.knowitssold.com _________________ http://tinyurl.com/7r2knh