Living 60 miles away from a major city can mean no cable but Green Alternative Energy Sources power all the businesses and homes.
Cable is not available but your power grid is charged by wind turbines and solar energy and you can be as close as 60 miles from a large city. Once population density decreases significantly it is very difficult to find power infrastructure robust enough, but affordable enough to energize your community.
Typically a problem to be solved on islands or developing nations where companies have difficulty affordably supplying electrical power. But it occasionally happens on the mainland of every continent too. You dont have enough size or money to justify the expenditure of “connecting” into the local utility company.
Research finds more and more remote communities that are relying on alternative energy sources to produce their complete electrical need. This can be done with combinations of technologies but the most significant of those is solar and wind power. Community politicians and developers are discovering methods to make solar and wind farms their primary electrical sources.
The location is the key to determining what alternative energy sources can be established to power your electrical grid. Haiti has been a work in progress with several wind turbines established and a new decentralized approach to energy assets. The 2010 earth quake in Haiti wiped out most of the electrical power for the country, even though only about 20% of the country was in the earth quake zone.
In rural areas or developing areas it is mandatory to have proper planning in regard to your power needs. Its the only way to ensure that your electricity demand will be met now and into the future and at the least cost possible. Frequently renewable energy could be a solution, so be sure to call on your professionals regarding the availability of alternative energy sources for your specific location.
So being in an out of the way area could mean you are provided electricity through renewable alternative energy sources and cutting edge technologies, while your cities are still on the old grid.