When earning a sale of any type of you must relate to your customer. A client will be turned off by someone who they cannot relate to. Not only in sales, but with any thing. You dont generally waste your time with things that dont interest you, right? Like with me, I like to read but when it comes to Shakespeare, I just cant wrap my arms around it. Why?, because I cannot relate to his words. When his literature is translated in to words I can relate to, they do interest me, but in Older English Id rather not read it. For example: I cant relate to Older English as well as Modern English, when dealing with a buyer you NEED to be on their level. If not, they wont relate to you.
The first step to relating to your client is noticing the way they speak. If you have a customer who talks slower, you will want to slow down your speech. Have you ever had to talk to someone who spoke with a different pace? They probably lost your attention if they spoke too slowly. If they talked too fast you most likely asked them, what?, more than once. When your customer clearly understands what you are telling them, you will then have their full attention.
The way you let your customers know you care and understand them, is by asking them questions. After you ask a question you MUST let them answer and push them to tell you more. This shows your client you are interested in them. Dont you love it when you are talking to someone who is interested in YOU? Of course you do, and you are also interested in them. Think about it. If somebody your interested in recommends a movie or restaurant to try, you want to try it out. Thats because you relate to them and believe they may like the same things as you.
You definitely want your customer to respect your judgment. This way when you explain to them why your product will benefit them. If your client feels you truly want whats best for them, this is when they want to buy from you.
Go Get Em!