The most critical information you will need if you’re looking to achieve massive Herbalife success, are some solid Herbalife marketing tactics.In this article, I’m going to give you 5 Herbalife marketing tips, that you can begin implementing into your business right away to start selling products and sponsoring distributors into your business.
Herbalife Marketing Tip #1: Discontinue Use Of Out-Dated Marketing Strategies
Most MLM sponsors are still teaching marketing methods that expired back in the 1980’s such as pitching your ‘warm market’ and wandering around in shopping malls handing out business cards. It’s these old school methods, in my opinion, that account for a 97% failure rate in the multi-level marketing industry. The reason for that is because unless you have a huge sphere of corporate influence (ie, you’re a CEO or have been an insurance agent for 20 years), you simply don’t know enough business minded people that are going to take the Herbalife business serious enough – even if you’re good enough at sales to push them into joining. The Internet is where up and coming Herbalife reps are flourishing, and you’ve got to get online if you expect to reach the top of the pay plan. Consequently, Herbalife marketing tips two through five are going to be made up of online Herbalife marketing techniques that you can bring into your business to help you go full time in the next 3 months.
Herbalife Marketing Tip #2: Establish a Blog – ‘’
Forget about your company website – and start a blog. If you send people to your replicated company website, there is one thing that will happen, and it will happen every time – people will land there, browse around for a couple minutes (or less), and leave. You won’t know if they are remotely interested in buying products, or joining your opportunity – and that’s a HUGE problem, especially if you’re doing any type of paid advertising. The other reason why your Herbalife webite won’t work is that i does not brand you at all, it brands the company. See, people don’t join businesses, they join people – leaders, to be more precise. A blog will display your leadership abilities from day one, and people will feel more comfortable joining you. Additionally, interested prospects can ‘opt in’ and let you know they are interested in learning more, by giving their name and email address (we will touch more on that in Herbalife marketing tip #2). I advise you to put together a wordpress blog. WordPress blogs are totally free. You will just need hosting and a domain name. Hosting costs about $5 per month, and a domain name is about $12.00. So for under $20.00, you are actually in business.
Herbalife Marketing Tip #3: Buy an Email Autoresponder
An email auto-responder that is attached to a lead capture webform on your blog is absolutely vital. The rationale behind this form is to be able to get the contact information from people who come on your blog so that you can get back to them with details. Now, in order for someone to want to give you their name and email, you must promise something in return. Your ‘free gift’ can be anything from a free report to an ebook, that provides value to your subscribers. For example, if your blog is all about the best home based business opportunity, then your ebook could reveal the ten steps to choosing a home based business. The idea here is that you are building a relationship with your prospects before you just go and pitch your business. There are millions of individuals in network marketing so if you want to achieve herablife success, standing out is an absolute must. An email auto-responder such as Aweber or Get Response will communicate with your prospects on autopilot and greatly help your Herbalife marketing efforts.
Herbalife Marketing Tip #4: Create Content For Your Blog
Once you have nailed down a target market, you can begin creating content in the form of articles and videos to help people that are searching for this information to find it. If you provide value first, you’ll get faithful subscribers to your blog, and once you’ve got that, you’ll have people that want to join your business without you having to pitch it to them. For example, if you’re goal is to find those who are trying to make money online, produce content that shows people how to do just that.
Herbalife Marketing Tip #5: Promote Your Blog
Promotion is the really imperative part of this entire process. If you produce a fine looking blog with great articles, but your’e not marketing it – then who will find it? Not a single soul! There are many methods of promotion, however the least expensive technique is article marketing. Since you’ve already created articles for your blog, all you need to do is post the articles in article directories such as Ezine Articles, and provide a link that goes back to your blog. The basic principle of this to get as many links going back to your blog as possible.
And if the Herbalife marketing tips above seem a little overwhelming in this short article, you’ll want to learn step-by-step, absolutely free, how the top earners in Herbalife are marketing their business and building six and even SEVEN figure incomes, by click the following link: Herbalife Success