Ganoderma Organo Gold Coffee Network Marketing Getting Started Part Eighteen

So you need to schedule the upcoming presentations that your new ganoderma organo gold coffee network marketing distributor will be at with their warm market in their appointment book. So, all of the presentations and Organo Gold prospecting meetings for the next sixty days are going to be scheduled in your new distributor’s appointment book or planner. You need to instil in your new distributor to plan ahead and then commit to the appointments that they have scheduled in the daily appointment book or diary. Also schedule to attend organized regular Organo Gold company presentations that have been advertised by Organo Gold in the new distributor’s local area. Your new distributor must schedule to attend the large Organo Gold Company events for a year in advance.

What has been proved is that all those ganoderma organo gold coffee network marketing distributors who go to and attend as many of the Organo Gold company functions produce about forty to fifty percent more than those distributors who do not make a point of and schedule their attendance at Company functions and events. The distributors who attend company functions also have a higher retention rate than those who don’t attend company functions and events. They also have a higher product volume, they are able to sponsor more people and they are more successful because they help more people in their own ganoderma organo gold coffee network become more successful. Why do all these good things happen to distributors who attend the company functions?

They are more successful because they meet people at these functions who are successful, they hear them telling their own story at these Company functions, they learn about the new tools coming into the company that they can use to grow their business quicker and more effectively, they see new products unveiled, they hear the President of the Company speak, they hear the leaders of the Company speak and a lot more. These distributors who attend the Organo Gold Company functions and events are so motivated at the end of these Company functions and events that they are motivated for the next six months to build their businesses on their own. So you as a sponsor want as many of the distributors in your ganoderma organo gold coffee network to attend the Organo gold Company functions, presentations, conventions and events. Most network marketing companies usually only experience about one percent of their distributor force at their annual conventions.

Please add me as one of your skype contacts, my skype id is clydethorburn , or contact me here at Ganoderma Organo Gold Coffee so that I can answer any questions you have and to also help you join Organo Gold if you choose to do so.

Visit Ganoderma Organo Gold Coffee to understand what the Organo Gold Company offers all distributors.