Eldorado: Retail – Company Profile & SWOT Report” contains in depth information and data about the company and its operations. The profile contains a company overview, key facts,major products and services, SWOT analysis, business description, company history, mergers & acquisitions, recent developments, key employees as well as company locations and subsidiaries.
( http://www.companyprofilesandconferences.com/researchindex/Retail-c16/Eldorado-Retail-Company-Profile-SWOT-Report.html )
This report is a crucial resource for industry executives and anyone looking to access key information about “Eldorado”
The report utilizes a wide range of primary and secondary sources, which are analyzed and presented in a consistent and easily accessible format. Canadean strictly follows a standardized research methodology to ensure high levels of data quality and these characteristics guarantee a unique report.
Examines and identifies key information and issues about “Eldorado” for business intelligence requirements.
Studies and presents the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities (growth potential) and threats (competition). Strategic and operational business information is objectively reported.
The profile also contains information on business operations, company history, major products and services, key employees, locations and subsidiaries.
Reasons To Buy
Quickly enhance your understanding of “Eldorado”
Gain insight into the marketplace and a better understanding of internal and external factors which could impact the industry.
Increase business/sales activities by understanding your competitors businesses better.
Recognize potential partnerships and suppliers.
Key Highlights
Eldorado Ltd. (Eldorado) is a retailer of electronic products and related accessories. The product portfolio of the company are computers and laptops, air conditioners, fans, heaters, water heaters, plasma TVs, washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, mobile phones and related accessories. Eldorado offers products of leading brands, which includes more than 20000 items in 110 product groups. In addition, the company offers various services such as credit facility for purchase, warranty maintenance, installation of equipment and repair services. It sells the products of leading brands such as LG, Sony and others through 692 wholly-owned retail stores. The company operates in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Eldorado is headquartered in Moscow, Russia.
For more information visit : http://www.companyprofilesandconferences.com/researchindex/Retail-c16/Eldorado-Retail-Company-Profile-SWOT-Report.html
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