Chartered Institute For Securities & Investment Cisi Diploma

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) certification is more accepted course around the world for those who are interested to make their career in the financial securities and investment industry in the UK. The CISI course was formed by London Stock Exchange practitioners. This is the professional level exam which covers the various courses such as applied wealth management, financial derivatives, financial market, fund management, international investment management, overview of securities and investment, Regulation & Compliance, FSA Financial Regulation, Advance Global Securities Operations, Investment & Risk, Operational Risk and CISI diploma. The program provides you with a full overview of the financial services industry. The CISI certificates will be more supportive in getting a job in finance sector with excellent packages. For this, the candidates have to join the best training centers that provide the effective and great guidance. Intelivisto is the company who proffer the admirable training with full tutor support whether learning in classroom or self study and also provide the Study guide for time management tips and learning techniques. There are no specific entry qualifications needed to enroll on any of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment programs although many of the courses would best suit those working in the area of securities and derivatives.

Major tips in preparation of certificate in securities (CISI)

Join the best training center for efficient guidance.

Focus on the studying objectives. It is the way to easy and quick learning.

Always gain in-depth knowledge about CISI course chapters.

Use sample exam questions and give the practice tests at the time of preparation.

Candidates can prepare CISI exam by online learning. In online learning, you can get more and more information. It is the easy and efficient way. Use the user friendly learning materials.

Time management is the most essential part in preparation.

Ready the structure of your study carefully according to time.

Break up your study with questions.

Candidates should also give the mock tests to get the CISI certificate

Do more and more practices because practice makes perfect.

The CISIs exams are governed by a number of policies and regulations. When completing the qualifications registration form, all candidates agree to comply with the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment exam regulations. There is an opportunity for members to apply to become individually chartered. Chartered membership demonstrates personal commitment to continuing learning and high standards of integrity and ethical behavior. The CISI courses is helpful in getting the job in the various profiles like Administration, Investment Operations, Call and Contact Centers, Finance & Accounting IT, Customer Service, Fund management & Sales & Marketing support, Compliance, HR and Training. So, you can choose this course for your bright future.

Tumon Guam Getting The Best Investment Properties

Buying properties that involves owning a home and moving ahead of the property ladder is probably the most exciting means to ensure financial stability. There isn’t any other investment today that could offer both stability and excellent returns than that of property investment. Even though the stock market could provide high returns, it is an unstable place that could decline anytime, especially now that it is apparently underperforming. As such, many people are now turning toward property investment and considering it as the best investment vehicle that could brought about long term financial wealth.

Owning an investment property overseas has become popular than ever. As a matter of fact, many people today are cashing on in properties that would serve as getaway havens for their families, rental spaces that could help earn good returns, or an investment that they could acquire capital gains from in the future. There are many reasons why it pays to have a property investment abroad. First, you have the chance to experience reduced taxation by having your property rented and of course have a stable income out of it; second, you and your family could enjoy several weeks of vacation especially if you have several properties in different foreign locations; and of course, there are more chances for the price of your property to increase overtime, which you could take advantage of and have it up for higher resale value.

Now that you’re familiar with some of the benefits that you could gain from owning an investment property overseas, it is more likely that you would like to have your property investment started. There are many places that offer good property investment opportunities and one of the most promising today is in Guam. Guam is an island territory of the US that is located at the crossroads of Asia-Pacific countries like Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong and Philippines. It is an island of regional economic hub because of its location, modern telecommunication and developed infrastructures.

During 2005, the governments of United States of America and Japan announced that the 8,000 marines serving in Okinawa would be relocated in Guam by 2010. Such event requires $10 billion of new construction and procurement of infrastructures that would support the expected growth of people in the island. As such, many investors from Asia, United States and other nearby countries realized the potentials of Guam in becoming one of the major destinations for investment property overseas. Accordingly, the island of Guam is now experiencing an increased rate of expansion in the field of property ownership.

Tumon of the Tamuning district is one of the best places where one could own a property in Guam since it is the island’s economic and tourist center. Tumon Guam presents several major advantages for investors, individuals and families who wish to have their properties in this location. As it is the major hub of the island, it is here where notable high rise hotels, souvenir shops, malls, and upscale boutiques can be found, making it a premier shopping destination for many foreigners as well as local citizens. It is also regarded as one of the areas in the island that has the best greenery and beaches that are all wildlife preserved.

In terms of financial services, Tumon has a full range of services that includes collections, letter credits, money transfers, automated tellers, money markets, and commercial and residential estate loans among others. Tumon also has a very competitive education, transportation and business outlook that could be credited to its US standard adherent infrastructures and information technology. Likewise, communities are well secured as seen from military presence and political stability. Apparently, Tumon Guam is indeed a good property investment location for both investors and homeowners.

Risk Associated With Equity Investments

We are often told that equity investments are subject to risk. What is this risk? It means earning less than what you expected from a given investment or losing part of what you invested. When it comes to investments we only talk about returns. We say: the higher the risk the higher the return. How easy it would be then to assess a mutual fund if they published, along with their returns performance, the risks involved in earning such returns. For example, a fund gave 25% return by risking losing your capital to the extent of 5% , and another gave 50% return by taking the risk of losing 100% of your capital. In the absence of risk figures, you would rate the fund that gave 60% return as better than the one that gave the 25% return. However, within the risk parameter, you would prefer a fund that risks 5% of your capital to one that risks 100% of it.

Investors solicit advice in brevity: tell us what to buy or sell, they say. But we cannot make a significant amount of money if we avoid taking risks. Risk is also an opportunity, but it should be a calculated risk you take. If the fear of losing makes you leave the money idle or put in low-return instruments, then inflation will devalue it. Hence, investment is must, and the risks associated with it must to be understood.

In an ideal scenario, the investor should need to take only risks relating to the economy and company performance and our markets are close to achieving this goal.

There are several parameters that evaluate the risk factor. Statistical and analytical tools can be used, but they are not affordable for the small investor nor would he always have the time or knowledge to use them. This article lists the parameters that go into risk calculation. Risk can be minimized if we can identify it.

Risk is related to time. The first question to ask when making an investment is: When do I need the money? In general, you can take more risk if your investment horizon is distant. This is because you have more time to recoup your potential losses along the way. Major factors that determine risk are stated below.

Macro factors that add to risk are the economic performance of the country. The GDP growth of 8% + in the last few years has fuelled the stock market rally. Interest rate movements, each time the Reserve Bank changes the benchmark rates of interest, has a positive or negative impact on the market. The dominance of FIIs in India has also led to a sensitivity of the market to interest rate cuts, announced by FED in the US. International developments, such as energy prices, WTO, insurgence and wars between countries also impact risk, since such issues affect share prices. Regulatory changes such as Truck overloading norms, Intellectual Property Rights, and VAT also add to risk directly if the company is part of such and industry, and indirectly, if such changes impact all industries in general. The feel-good factor is also necessary to keep the market sentiment buoyant; if everyone feels that the economy is doomed then there is little one can do to improve market sentiment.

Industry-level risks include: the state of a specific industry, whether it is in growth, maturity or decline phase. Industries such as IP telephones and cell phones are in the growth phase whereas certain type of asbestos sheets manufacturing, which is a health hazard, is not. Industry cycles are also important: for example, in the monsoons, there is less demand for cement compared to the rest of the year. Structural changes and paradigm shifts in an industry should be observed, such as peoples current preference for motorcycles compared to scooters, or landline phones versus mobile phones or electronic encyclopedias versus printed books.

Company-level performance risk includes: company value sets and governance norms, whether it has a dominant position in the industry or is an also-ran; financial parameters, such as earning per share (EPS), whether it has short-term or long-term approach to growth. Its quality of management and corporate governance are important. Infosys carries one of the lowest risk parameters as far as corporate governance goes since it is one of the best managed companies in its field. If the company is listed as a Z group share or in Trade-for-Trade settlement, then it is a clear indication that either the company is not fulfilling the listing requirements or there is unusual activity in the market in relation to the share, and the stock exchange has put it under special surveillance.

Regulatory risks associated with markets are also important. If the quality of regulation is poor then the response to scams is also not adequate. While scams and market manipulation will continue to happen as long as there is human greed, how regulators and the entire legal system respond to them is important. Timely prevention, early detection, speedy and severe punishments act will deter potential manipulators. Regular reviews and correction of outdated laws ensure compliance from citizens.

Systemic risk relating to stock markets, such as that to do with the technology, needs to be understood. Today, the markets are heavily dependent on complex systems that run through public and private networks; inability to square off an open position during the closure of the market is a major risk. Please read the Risk Disclosure Document that is available with brokers to understand such risks.

Successful investing would require you to study prospects and project earnings, P/Es and market prices versus todays levels, risk /return benchmarks are necessary to review when either is achieved. Avoid greed for more profits or fear of incurring losses. Be rational rather than emotional. Sleep over a decision, if necessary. Haste can make waste.

In summary let us remember-no risk no return. No pain No gain. Take small steps. Ask for advise. Read books. Use Internet. But dont give up on investing because a film tells you so or your cousins neighbours uncles co-brothers friend in Jumri Tallaiya said he lost his shirt in the markets! Own your decisions and learn from your mistakes. They are the best teachers!

Investment Management Training

In the early period of development of finance as a profession, i.e., until the early 1950s, investment management was primarily concerned with the procurement of funds. The subject matter was mainly confined to financial problems arising during episodic events like incorporation, merger, consolidation and reorganization. Thus, the traditional role of the investment manager was to raise externally the funds required by joint stock companies. The internal administration of finance was either ignored or dealt with by the promoter entrepreneur himself.

With the passage of time, the role of investment manager has undergone drastic changes. Presently, the investment manager is in charge of determining the total amount of capital required for both the short-term (working capital) and long-term (fixed capital). This is done by proper forecasting and planning of finance. Secondly, their job profile includes investing the funds in assets and projects, with the aim of making profits. This is to be done in such a way that the earnings are more than the cost so that there is a positive net return to the concern.

Now the investment manager is concerned with the management of assets, raising and allocation of capital, and valuation of the firm. Besides, he has to ensure the supply of funds to all parts of the organization, evaluate the financial performance, negotiate with bankers, financial institutions and other suppliers of credit, and keep track of stock exchange quotations and the behavior of stock price.

To play his role well the investment manager has different tools, such as cost of capital, leverage, capital budgeting, working capital management techniques and fund flow analysis/cash flow analysis. Cost of capital helps in deciding the appropriate source of finance. Normally the sources with minimum costs are selected, so that the weighted average cost of capital can be kept to a minimum. Capital budgeting helps in deciding the proper investment mix; the available resources should be used in the most profitable way. For this purpose, suitable projects should be selected from alternative courses by using capital budgeting techniques.

Why Invest In Resort Hotels

Resort hotels have of late been a very popular option among the investors. The reason is that such property for investment offers a blend of entertainment and excellent returns on your capital. True that there are other investment options too that offer excellent growth but many of the traditional investment options focus on money solely and not on other avenues.

The advantage with owning a resort as an investment property abroad is that you own an excellent property abroad which can be utilized for holidays and also for earning decent money when you are not using the property.

Resort hotels give you, as a resort owner, the excellent combination of high yield on your capital investment, great looking locations and brilliant facilities on the resort. The Caribbean investments have been doing very well in this respect.

An excellent fact about the resorts is that most of the resorts take a long time to get them established. On an average, such a property for investment is good because the guaranteed period for rental income is 2 to 10 years.

The owner of the resorts can also keep earning from the investment property abroad even after the rental period is over. After the rental period is over, the owner of the property becomes eligible for the room rate scenario. The rooms operate like those in a hotel and the owner of the resort is entitled to as high as 50% to 60% of the room rate.

An advantage with the resort hotels is the promotion and publicity. These resorts typically are aligned or associated with high profile leisure resorts and attract a lot of celebrities. Hence, the more the number of celebrities, the more is your income from the reputation.

As a resort owner, you can also look forward to lots of sops in the form of tax benefits and concessions from the government as the builders of the resorts typically negotiate with the government for tax and other duties concessions. Hence, having an overseas property for investment is indeed a mouth watering option for you.

Having this type of property for investment means that the builder is obliged to pay you an interest till the resort becomes fully operational. This not only ensures a hefty income but also ensures that the builder completes the resort on time. Hence, even if you have done pensions investments and bought one, this is always a good option for you.

Caribbean investments have been the frontrunner, when it comes to owning resorts, because of the exquisite locales. Overseas property for investment, if it happens to be a resort, is always a good option. These resorts of late have also become good options for people doing pensions investments.