When someone hands you their card, chances are you have put it straight into your pocket and have not even looked at it. Sometimes you even completely forgot about it only to find it in the trash. But if you put a strong call to action on your card, you can easily turn your card from being forgotten into something kept and remembered.
When creating business cards, its purpose should not only be to get your name and business name known in the market. Remember that your card is one of the most vital marketing tools you can use to promote your business. It should effectively motivate your prospects to take action.
Obviously, your business card should still have all the important contact details, logo, and maybe a tagline to draw customers in and make sure that they transact business with you. In doing so, you build a relationship with them and encourage them to keep your card instead of throwing them in the trash. You have to make them an offer they cannot refuse so they will take action at once.
Although a strong call to action is not something many business owners put in their card, but if you do this you are taking advantage of a big opportunity for your business. Keep in mind that this could be your first and last chance to get your target customers to look at your card, so you need to make it good.
You can consider inviting your prospects visit your web site to get a free sample. You can also ask them to present your card for a free estimate or get a special introductory price. You can even use your card as a coupon they can use for their first purchase. Whatever it is you offer, you need to make sure that you give your prospects a reason to visit your site or your store. The main idea here is to persuade potential customers to take some kind of action.
You can consider putting the call to action in front of your business card templates and be incorporated in your overall design. You can also present it at the back so your prospects will have a reason to turn your card over. Aside from the call to action, there are other things you can put at the back. For instance, you can list some of the products your offer and offer a discount on first time customers. You can also put a convincing testimonial and make an offer your prospects cannot resist. It is a good idea to put a time limit to your offer to add to the perceived value of your product or service.
Also, a guarantee that your product or service will be beneficial to people will help convince people to take action at once. Tell your customers that your offerings are what they need. Tell them the benefits they can get out of your products and this will surely encourage them to try out what you have to offer.
Remember to make the overall design of your card attractive and professional to look at. Tell people of the quality not only of your cards but of the products or services you offer as well. Keep in mind that your card represents you and your business, so look at it as a marketing opportunity to communicate essential information about your business to your customers or clients.