As a lover of technology, perhaps you too, I think I can surely relate with those who find revolutionary Google Glass applications. Such technology is a long time coming and much like 3-D printing it will change everything. Having been in the automotive sector prior to retirement (Franchisor of mobile car wash businesses) my mind usually looks at all new technology for possible automotive applications. Okay so, let’s see how this new innovation will be taken to a whole new level – let’s talk.
There was an interesting article in MIT Technology Review Blog on September 17, 2013 titled; “Google Glass as a Hands-Free Instruction Manual – A new app for Google’s head-mounted computer helps beginners with car maintenance,” by Tom Simonite which got me thinking about a once promising technology someone had come up with ten years ago, but which to date has not been implemented. The article stated; “Augmented reality company Metaio just released video of an idea that seems to make more use of the form of Google Glass.”
The article accompanied a YouTube video titled; “Metaio to Unveil First Hands-Free Car Manual on Google Glass,” by a company that has such an application ready for action.
Yes, this might be even better than the concept MIT was working on for Boeing with holographic displays alongside equipment being worked on – which would be an extension of their now decade old tablet display units. The Google Glass takes it all to a new level, better than anything or better than anyone could imagine. Essentially, you could work in a duality – blending the real world with the virtual one – immersed in instructions from an augmented 3-D image overlaying your work station or work. That is essentially what we are talking about here.
Think about seeing the object you are working on in 4-D, that is to say you’d be able to see inside the engine or motor you are working on, into the interior components, all they while you are working on the outside components removing shrouds, covers, and parts. Imagine working on a piece of infrastructure or jet engine and your Google Glass was hooked up to sensors, allowing you to see the problem in the interior as you are working.