In any project or endeavor, whether it is for business or for personal reasons, quality of work, product or materials is a very important aspect that will give you the assurance of getting the best results. This is true even on a home renovation or home remodeling project, whether your project is located in Boston, Massachusetts or somewhere else like Alaska or Hawaii, and applying good quality control can help you avoid a bad home builder.
A bad home builder will not only ruin a perfectly great project concept or idea, but he could also ruin existing structures and furnishings as well particularly if the home remodeling job or work is being built around a previous construction. This could spell irreparable damage or defacement in your home that would not only cause additional cost for the homeowners but it would also cause considerable inconvenience on their part.
The only way to avoid such a predicament is to implement good construction quality control before, during and after the home remodeling project. According to custom-building experts from Divisions Unlimited Incorporated, a good home builder should take his work as a vocation and would go out of their way or even take the extra mile just to provide excellent and high-quality work and results for their clientele.
A Homeowner’s Woes with a Bad Home Builder
According to consumer reports as far back as 2004, 15 percent of new homes that were built during that period where discovered to have at least two major construction flaws or defects. Translate that to the total number of homes built, the figures would amount to approximately 150 thousand homes that have serious defects of some kind. In other reports, home inspectors have confirmed that at least 85 percent of complaints lodged by homeowners where confirmed as legitimate quality concerns.
These figures reflect bad home builders that are either incompetent with their line of work or those who are trying to defraud their customers. In some cases, the home builder hired for a particular work like a bathroom remodeling or a kitchen remodeling project is competent and provides good quality work. However, he may have hired a subcontractor to do additional work for him or work that he is not totally familiar with, and the subcontractor provided a sub-par work. Hiring a subcontractor is allowable however the main contractor should be responsible for the work of the people he hires.
Understanding Construction Quality Control
A good home builder does not take any shortcuts in his work, except in making it more productive without sacrificing any quality. A good contractor takes full responsibility with their work and would replace any item or section that is damaged from his work. This should also hold true if the contractor made a mistake and would have to rework. It is for this reason why general contractors have a general liability insurance policy.
In home renovation or home remodeling, work by new contractors would be done over or within a completed job performed by another home builder. In this case, the contractor should implement construction quality control practices that would ensure that no damage to existing goods, fixtures and surfaces would be incurred. Blemishes or damages to existing items are totally unacceptable and the home builder should be totally liable for these damages.
As in everything else, communication is the key and this also applies to maintaining good construction quality control. The homeowner and the home builder should agree on the quality standard that is expected of the project before commencing so everything would in black and white to avoid any disagreements later on.