The Asian Fashion Industry Is Coming Of Age

When most people think of fashion they think of the runways of Paris or the big designer houses of New York City. Quietly standing in the sidelines and starting to claim its own spot in the limelight is the world of Asian fashion. Whether you know it or not if you like to wear trendy clothes then you are already probably wearing some of todays hottest Asian fashion.

The biggest players in the industry right now are the Japanese fashion houses and the Korean fashion industry but these are not the only countries setting their sights on the global market place. While China is best known for its production capability, there are signs that it is also targeting the broad Asian fashion market. Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia also have the capability to take market share away from western designers.

Over the past five to ten years the Asian fashion industry has begun to make its mark on the world. We find this to be particularly the case in contemporary fashion. The styles targeted at the younger set owe a particular debt to the Japanese designers. Pop culture and styles made evident by entertainment stars have popped up throughout Japan and have spread to the rest of the world. The school girl look, for example, can be traced directly to the Japanese world of styles driven by pop singers.

Today we see Korean designers having more and more impact on style. Seoul, in particular, has set its sights on becoming a hub for fashion. In the past Korean designers have kept their sights close to home but now are moving to make an impact on the global stage. Even though this means competing with well known brands, the Korean fashion houses are well positioned to make a move. The region is long known for the quality of its Asian fashion trades people and the industry is working to bring prices down in order to increase competitiveness.

If you are looking for ready to wear Asian fashion then the Internet can put the world at your fingertips. There are dozens of good sites that carry a comprehensive line of Asian fashions of all styles. A quick Internet search will present you with choices that are as specialized as bridal wear and as general as sites that carry a little of everything.

It is a given that Asian fashion is poised to make significant in roads in the fashion world. The timing is right and the creative talent is there. The demand from buyers is there as well. The main stumbling block is the inconsistent nature of the sales pipeline. A great deal of progress has already been made and as the Asian fashion industry becomes more mature it will learn how to take advantage of the entire worldwide market. If recent runway shows like ones recently held in Korea are any example of what the industry is capable of, Western fashion labels should take heed. The Asian fashion industry is coming of age.

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