Negative People, There’s No Place For Them In Network Marketing

If you’re around people for any length of time, and in network marketing, that’s pretty much a given, you’re going to run into those people who always see the worst in everything. They’ll find something wrong, in any circumstance in which they may find themselves. These “Glass Half Empty” people mystify me. I simply don’t understand them. The world is ALWAYS out to get them. Nothing EVER goes right for them. They’re not happy unless they have something to complain about. What an unhappy way to live! It’s sad, really. Now, I’m not the type of person to ostracize others just because I don’t like them or the way they behave. I’m a bit on the codependent side so in the past I would’ve tried to fix them. I suppose that tendency comes from all my years working in the Healthcare industry. Truth is though, they’re usually not fixable, not by me, at least.

In Network Marketing, these people will be a detriment to your team and death to your business. They will destroy your morale and the morale of your team in a very short time with the poison that comes out of their mouth. It’s their objective to bring other people down so they can have company to share in their misery. If this is allowed to go on, negativity will spread like a cancer throughout your entire downline. Really, it’s best to avoid these negative people altogether and you certainly should never try to recruit one of them. You don’t want them on your team. They won’t be teachable. In fact, they will find fault in whatever you do try to teach them. And they won’t hesitate to voice their disagreement in your team conference calls, no matter who may be present. You don’t need them spewing their venom all over your new distributors or on prospects you may have invited to listen in on the call.

I have a name for these negative people. It’s fairly descriptive of the kind of damage they can do to your business. I call them “Dream Killers.” They will suck the life out of you. Experienced Network Marketers understand the value of surrounding themselves with positive people who will encourage and edify them and their team. They know to avoid the negative crowd. If your Network Marketing Business is going to to be successful, you must surround yourself with positive, successful people and avoid the “Dream Killers.” It’s as simple as that.

Now I do however, enjoy encountering one of them when doing a training call with a new recruit. I want my trainee to see how I handle the situation. I want them to see that I don’t let that “Negative Nellie” get the best of me and that I DO NOT let THEM control the conversation. This accomplished, I then end the call with a comment like “you’re right, Network Marketing isn’t for you,” or “no, you’re not a fit for my business and my team.” I thank them for their time and hang up. It only takes one call like that to get the point across to my trainee that under no circumstances do they want someone like that on their team! It’s a great training lesson. I suggest making good use of it when it presents itself. Better they experience it first, with you, in a controlled environment, than on their own where it can discourage them.

My point is this, negativity breeds negativity. It’s counter productive and will destroy anyone who spends much time under it’s influence, no matter how experienced they are. It certainly has no place in Network Marketing and if you want your business and team to flourish, it’s best to avoid negative people, altogether. Weed them out from the beginning if you can and don’t have them as a part of your team. You’ll be much better off, for it. Better to surround yourself with “Dream Builders” instead, people who will build you up and want to be built up, themselves. Fill your downline with positive, goal oriented, “Glass Half Full” people and you will grow a successful and profitable Network Marketing Business.

Wondering Between Numis Network Or Preservation Of Wealth Both Are Marvelous Network Marketing Companies Find Out More.

Congratulations on Deciding on Establishing a Business in 2011.

So you have decided to start a free enterprise in 2011. I commend you for your decision and I wish you the best of fortune in your new endeavor. So now that you have decided to start your new free enterprise. The second choice is which network marketing company you wish to promote. Well since you are on this page you are probably trying to decide between two Numismatic Networks. The two that I have considered and scrutinized are Numis Network and Preservation of Wealth. These two companies are great companies. keep in mind both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Both companies are utilizing a network marketing free enterprise model. This model has been proven to actualize some of the wealthiest business people in the United States as well as around the world. The beauty of Network Marketing is the ease of entry some call it a low barrier of entry in economic terms. I call it an Easy-in-Easy-out industry. On the other hand this also leads to an Easy Out industry. Since most people who enter network marketing only spend from $50 greenbacks to a couple of hundred bucks many never treat their business as a real business. In other words, when you only invest $50 bucks, sticking it out during a tough time makes it difficult for many. However, since you have already decided on this model and now are making a choice between two great companies I will give you my point of view on both.

Numis Network is a very high end company, their marketing is arresting and they are actually geared towards high end collectors since their price point on numismatic coins is $99.00 dollars. Some argue that they are charging too much for these MS70 coins. I am of the opinion that only the market will determine this. I have seen MS70 Silver Eagle Coins sell for as little as $49.00 dollars up to $500 dollars. That being said your price point in Numis Network is still $90.00 dollars.

Preservation of Wealth also has an auto ship called option ship, similar to Numis Network, however they merchandise the MS69. These MS69’s are arguably graded by a better grading company than the one Numis Network uses, but again can be considered an intuitive statement. Since numismatic coins is truly a subjective venture, it is really up to the buyer to determine what an MS69 of for that matter an MS70 coin is worth. Preservation of Wealth charges $50 dollars for their MS69 and in this writers belief a more cost friendly numismatic coin.

Preservation of Wealth goes beyond this in their position of gold and silver. Preservation of Wealth gives its member the option to purchase gold and silver at cost. What this means is if you are also collecting gold and silver personally as well as running a numismatic Network Marketing Business you will have the ability to purchase coins at a great value.

Both these companies launched around the same time. Preservation of Wealth actually launched 3 weeks earlier in the summer of 2009 than Numis. Numis has been joined by great marketers, such as David Wood and Cedric Harris which is the reason they have received so much exposure. At last count they had over 14000 members. This is noteworthy to consider if you are worried about competition. Preservation of Wealth has been attracting a lot more high profile marketers and their business is gaining ground on Numis.

However if you are like me you like to keep the hype to a limit. So which company is better. Well that all depends on your ultimate outcome. If you want a company where you can stockpile bullion coins and receive 3-4 silver dollars for what Numis sells one MS70 coin then your choice is Numis. However if you goal is to collect Silver Eagles for collection of bullion and wealth, Preservation of Wealth may be a company you should look into.

Another variation between both of these companies is the way their compensation plan works. Numis in my opinion is complicated with coded bonuses etc. That being said there is a lot of money to make on these bonuses at least in the beginning of your membership. Preservation of Wealth’s compensation plan is simple, too simple and may turn some people off. If you have been trying to chose between Numis and Preservation of Wealth you may have seen Ray Higdon’s great videos on Numis’ compensation plan. It is long and complicated. Ray does a great job explaining it as he is one of their top produces.

On the other hand a Preservation of Wealth marketer is lucky to make a compensation video that could last more than 2 minutes. The reason for this is that the compensation plan for Preservation of Wealth can actually be explained in 59 seconds. In my opinion simple is better.

So as for your quest in deciding between Numis or Preservation of Wealth, take a look at both websites and make a decision. The reason I say this is that no matter which company you chose you should start your new business in 2011 with one of these great companies.

As a long time coin collector I can see the captivation of both companies. However if you want the option of also collecting bullion I would go with Preservation of Wealth. I created a website further explaining and my recommendation.