A successful poster advertisement will capture people’s attention long enough for them to understand what the main message of the poster is. Good posters will contain appealing graphics and colors that will stand out even when surrounded by other advertising. These are some of the most important elements of advertising that will help draw attention to your marketing message:
Poster Design: The whole purpose of an advertising poster is to capture people’s attention and deliver a message. Your poster needs to be attractive and unique and have an element that catches people’s eye. You your imagination and creativity to come up with an attractive marketing design.
Some of the most effective advertising posters have used some element that caused a lot of talk. Get people talking about your advertisement and create a buzz; this will draw a lot of publicity and attention. Another idea is to use long-term messages to deliver your message over a period of time. Capture people’s attention with the first poster, and leave them hanging in suspense for the next!
It is a good idea to have a punch line. If your company does a lot of advertising, carry some theme or logo throughout all your advertising so it will immediately be recognizable. Find something that people are interested in and stick with it. If your budget allows, more upscale printing jobs and glossy finishes are always a nice touch that can help reach your audience merely by their high quality look.
Poster Positioning: All your hard work and effort in design will be lost if your poster is not placed in an area where it can be easily seen. Also keep in mind how much other poster marketing is done in the area you are working. If there is a lot of competition for pole space, you may only have a small window of time before your poster is taken down and replaced by another.
Time of Year and Demographics: You want to try to reach your target audience as much as possible, so the best plan is to find where they are and when they are usually there. Outdoor posters tend to do better around holidays and in the summer when people are out and about more.
Of course, this knowledge may only come through experience. If you are just beginning to experiment with poster advertising, you may wish to begin by postering everywhere until you begin to get the feel of where people are and when.
Internet Banner Posters: This is becoming a more popular tool than in recent years. If you have large company with a sizeable budget, this is a good option for you. You may wish to spend a little money doing some research to discern from what websites your advertising will have the most appropriate viewers. Once you discover where your target audience is, you can work from there. It is a fact that over seventy percent of Internet shoppers are researching before making a major purchase. This is good news for Internet