Advertising on the internet has proven to be very successful to many businesses. One type of advertising that is specific to the search engine Google is called Google AdWords. Its an inventive yet very simple form of advertising. Keyword searches bring up the Google AdWords to the right of the main related search list. It consists of a title and two lines of text. Any company can use it, including one that does not even have a website yet. Google will give a business a free website to create if they use Google AdWords. Google AdWords are Googles highest source of revenue. Microsoft and Yahoo have similar ad programs and are Google AdWordss largest competitors.
The way it works is a business can create their own Google AdWords advertisement using keywords and phrases. When the particular keywords and phrases are searched for, the Google AdWords will pull up next to the list of searches. The Google AdWords can be clicked on and the searcher can look over the site and even purchase goods while they are visiting. Google AdWords supplies advertising 24 hours a day to a specific market of people searching for something that relates to the website advertised. However, there is no promise that a particular site will pull up or how often it will appear. Google AdWords customers also have the option of their ads showing up On Googles partner sites of AOL, Netscape and ASK.
Google AdWords can be created and the campaign managed by someone at the advertising company but there is now a certified group called Google advertising professionals (GAP) that can be called upon to help for a fee. Google used to have a management service to assist businesses get their campaign up and running but the program has been terminated. GAP program consists of people that have passed an exam and completed Googles training course. Many businesses wanting their Google AdWords to be profitable will pay the fees for the help of managing their ads and using the right keywords.
The way that advertisers pay is by each click on their site. The advertisers specify the maximum amount they will pay per click on the website. Google does have their own formula that will decide in which order the sites will appear and they set minimum bids for keywords. Google AdWords has grown into a huge advertising business and it has been assisting many companies get more traffic on their sites. Google AdWords is a new form of the old art of advertising.